Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NY Comic-Con 2012

Me and my illustrator Adrian Barbu
Just got back from the New York Comic-Con 2012, and I am very tired.  Throat groggly, slight head ache, feet sore; cost of doing battle right?  A ll this talk about networking and elevator pitches from my current job at career services, has served me well.

The first day was decent.  It wasn't as swarmed, which actually is pretty good given that people will have time to spend at your table.  We got there early enough to see all the booths before the mob arrived.  People seemed to be very impressed with the work, and got quite a few takers.

Right around 4pm, the swarm hit. If you walked amongst them, you barely had any room to navigate.  Given my football past, I was able to effectively utilized my lead blocker and fancy footwork.  There were lots of creative costumes, despite the fact that there were 500 Spidermans, 300 Jokers, and a gazzilion Harlequins.  You'll occasionally get something different, which can go either way.

The next day was a blur.  There were so many people I just sought refuge in my booth, the only place they couldn't go, although some tried.  My sculptures seemed to get a lot of attention.  To my surprised, the Juvenile Demon got tons of looks, even people a bit terrified of was great.

Oh and don't even think about leaving the booth, as seen here....

Saturday was a slow day for us.  Lots of traffic, very few takers.  It was so crowded, people mostly focused on keeping the line moving and not stopping at the booth.  Good thing I wasn't in middle of all the action. Was even a little bummed about it, but oh well, met a lot of cool people, though.  Tried to take a venture or two, just to see what I was missing...which was a lot.

We're in the final stretch.  Sunday went out with a bag and the comicrazies didn't disappoint.  Was very active this day, and even got an interview from Sirius Radio :), will post this ASAP.

All in all, It was a great event.

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