Wednesday, May 29, 2013

About the "THIS" vs. "THAT" Action, Sci-Fi genre

One thing I have to say about your typical "THIS vs. THAT" action sci-fi genres, is that it already has an established market.  People pay good money to see just a good ole action movie.  Everything from Underworld, Blade, to Expendables all fit into this category.  What ultimately decides if a movie will be well received (or not) has to do with the types of elements you put into it.  

As I said in my last post, with your typical vampire movie, the audience already walks in with 40% of the knowledge already, so you have to present something that will allow the audience to explore, use their imagination, and follow the story long after the movie is over.  How you do that depends on your ability to pull from your wacky mind and put together a world of curiosity.  The Matrix put a man in a computer grid, so did Tron: Legacy; one did better than the other, but both were rather enjoyable, and both allowed the audience to follow the story long after it was over.

In today's age, originality is more about the recipe, rather than the ingredients.  A lot of our predecessors have laid down the proper ingredients, but now it's time to explore all the wonders of what you can do with them.  Some people may like their movie souffléd, or sauteed or with a pinch of paprika.  Others, well, just plain old salt, pepper, with a splash of lemon.  The question becomes, what will stick to the ribs?

I believe Reclamation will not only open the world of nightmare creatures, but it will give us a history to explore, as well as an art form.  Each creature harbors a unique background, carrying with it a uniques set of strengths and weaknesses.  In the overall demon hierarchy, vampires and werewolves rank pretty low.  A poltergeist is nothing compared to other supernatural things that exist.  With all this at or fingertips:

Where do we start?  

What are our limits?  

How deep does it go?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Mulciber complete, now all is left is a paint job

Just got the latest photos for our elite demon character, Mulciber, and I must say that it always leaves me wanting more.  A very addictive process, creating a mythical character and watching it slowly come to life.  It's a great feeling, to contribute with something like this.  Now only if we can get a buyer.

Okay so, the script is being reviewed as we speak, so I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that the production companies will see the value of this project.  I understand that being a vanguard is risky, but if it was easy everyone would do it.   Let's not pretend that THIS is not where the Sci-fi, Action genre needs to go.

I saw a movie on Netflix called "Vampire Dog".  It's about a vampire Jack Russell Terrier.  I think I'll just stop right there, as I think this proves how exhausted the vampire genre really is right now, yet it keeps popping up.  Now we have "Vamps", another Dracula movie in the making, Underworld in it's final stretch, and God knows what else.

My biggest gripe about the vampire Action genre, is that the audience already knows 40% of the movie just in hearing the word "vampire".  We know they need blood, they can't go out in the day, wooden or silver stake to the heart,  yadda yadda yadda.   Not to mention that all the movies that revitalized the vampire genre were done 12 or so years ago (Blade, Underworld).  We've had 10+ years of pure vampire mania,  yet we get surprised when movies like "Priest" gets bad reviews.  Twilight no exception.  Even though it was still able to capitalize on it's book following, the movies lacked substance.

 People take what they can get, because they love movies that much.  For the moment there are the book/comic-to-film adaptations, but as original fans get pissed off (at the movie massacre of the book), and everyone saw their Marvel/DC characters on screen, eventually that well will run dry, and they won't be able to sustain the market with a 5th remake of Spiderman.

New creatures to explore; new strengths, weaknesses; but most of history.  Something that can be savored for the next 34 years, like Alien (today being it's 34 year anniversary).  We just had "Prometheus" and pretty soon Alien 6.  What then?????