Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Broken Thumbs

Kept you waiting, huh (Metal Gear Solid reference)?  Well, I apologize for that.  I want to make sure that when I post something, it's worth it.

On Thursday, I attended the music video screening of a local band called The Broken Thumbs.  I'm sure many of us have heard at least one band and said to ourselves, "damn, they need to be discovered".  This band is exactly that, and I'm pretty confident that they will be.  The screening was for their new music video, "Oxygen", which to me, was screaming end of movie credit song.  "It would be perfect for that," I thought to myself, but let's gather your thoughts.  Think The Broken Thumbs have a shot?  Think "Oxygen" could have a spot on a movie soundtrack?

Wait until the chorus picks up....OMG that rocks!!!

I had to support.  Great group of guys


Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Reclamation Photoshoot was a success

Have you ever had a moment where the things you imagined turned out exactly how you expected?  I mean damn, this was a great shoot...cold as hell, but a great shoot.  I had a little trouble finding a location, but we ended up going with Third and Stewart Parking, in Downtown Seattle, which turned out to be a great location.

First off, working with Antjuan DeCarlos was a great experience.  Very professional, knew his stuff, and most importantly, there was no ego.  He was very open to my suggestions and visions.   We rummaged through that little playground and had some fun.

His support team was great as well.  Rhoscoe Coquia, his right hand, was great to see in action.   I kid you not, this dude had EVERYTHING in the back of his SUV.  Everything from a ski mask to heat pad, dude was phenomenal.

Make-up Artist, Meagan Moore did great work and was a great person to learn from.  She gave me a lot of pointers on contours, and poses, and was very fun.

And lastly, Stacey, was fantastic.  She was a little nervous leading up to the shoot, but was exactly what I imagined.   When I met her at SpoCon 2014, I knew she would work, and I was so right.

Great job everyone.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Gearing up for ECCC

So, I have plans to attend Emerald City Comic Con this year, and have been slowly trying to work my way on this year's schedule.  It appears that there's a waiting list, which is a nice look for Seattle.  I never knew that ECCC was the 3rd largest convention in the country....being from Seattle, I deeply understand the kind of image this creates.

I'll be very excited to launch issue two of Reclamation, as well as my new statue.  Hope to see some of you there.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Photoshoot in the works

I meant to surprise you all with some crazy pics from the photoshoot that we had planned, but I ended up postponing it due to budgetary reason.  I hope to launch it sometime in December, but that all depends on everyone's schedules.  What I can let you in on is that I am really eyeing this location:

Firehouse Alleyway, Seattle WA
Seattle still has some "cultural" areas, making for some nice environments to shoot in.  The ideal location was Harbor Island, but certain sectors had security clearances, making it nearly impossible to rent a space.

For anyone looking to shoot anywhere around the Port of Seattle, they do have locations that they rent out to photographers/filmmakers.  You can always look on their film page for that information.

Washington Films Works is also a great resource.  They're are a non-profit organization, dedicated to finding great filming location, as well as advocating for more filming projects to stay/come to Seattle.  They do fantastic work around the film incentive programs.

More to come....Stay tuned...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Last installment of the cosplay costume (the pants)...complete!!!

Here is a glimpse of the finished design for Layna's pants.  Great work by Nune Hov.  After several fittings, and adjustments, it finally came together.  Overall very fluid process, especially since the designer and model lived near each other, and could meet for several fittings.  Great job everyone.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Weapons Props

Great work on this project Brian Johnson for creating the props for Layna. They look crazy cool.  Highly recommended for those who are interested in getting some custom props done.

See how Brian explains the project here:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The 1st costume fitting

Everything seemed to go well.  It was my first time meeting the designer in person, so I was hoping that my bulldog'ish mug wouldn't scare her away :).  In any event, it was a nice gathering, we got to size all of the custom material, and I must say, it did not disappoint.

It fits Mikey it fits... we got it.